Disabled People And The General Election

As the general election approaches in the UK, it is sad to hear absolutely nothing about disabled people from the parties.

Please take some action by asking parliamentary candidates to read the Disabled People’s Manifesto by simply adding your name and location (to find your local candidates) and sending off the pre-filled in letter using the form on this page.

I struggle to type long or talk long and it took less than a minute for me to do as it is all pre-filled in for you.

Please also sign the petition whilst your at it as that takes just a few seconds to do.

We have to try to raise our own voices, as hard as that can be (depending on your disability), but please try as everything helps.

The more we speak up, the more they have to listen.

You can see how little they care, by their silence. The DPO Forum asked every party where they stood on the disabled persons manifesto, and you can see the results here.
Many parties didn’t even reply such as the Conservatives which have shown over the last 14 years how little they care about us, and their silence is deafening.

All we can do is speak up, contact the parties and ask what they are doing to do to help us, and by doing things such as this, we raise awareness and get people people talking.

Post on social media and tag the parties as well. Be vocal.

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