Back From The Dermatologist

Back From The Dermatologist

I told the dermatologist my concerns about having oral medication that affects your immune system for my hidradenitis suppurativa whilst currently trialling pain medication plus having chronic fatigue, as I know dapsone is not that effective for HS plus makes you tired and can give you aches and pains.He agreed it can make me more … Read more



I have my dermatologist appointment tomorrow for my skin condition Hidradenitis Suppurativa which has no cure. I have tried lots and nothing works. There is Humira which is the only treatment proven to do anything which is weekly injections but they can’t prescribe it, I would have to go to another city every week for … Read more

Fortnightly Doctors Trip

Fortnightly Doctors Trip

I saw my doctor again today as I do every two weeks, and again Fentanyl dose increase to double what I am currently on. So now on 50mcg Fentanyl (Matrifen) patches, and the codeine that does nothing as needed for “breakthrough pain”, although breakthrough pain is constant really as the patches only do a very, … Read more

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