What Are My Conditions?

What Are My Conditions

I have written a detailed blog page listing all my conditions and more importantly how the affect me. I have chronic pain, chronic fatigue, hidradentis suppurativa, migraines, perforated septum and acid reflux and this page will give you more information on these conditions.About Me

The Unfair Government

The Unfair Government

Basically in the UK you pay National Insurance Contributions which go towards your pension. Normally disabled people like myself could get credits for being on certain benefits which get marked as you having “paid” that years contributions. Anyway basically I don’t qualify! I worked part time before being unable to work as I could not … Read more

Jaw Getting Better

Jaw Getting Better

Thankfully the jaw clicking seems to be getting a bit better. Hope I haven’t spoken too soon! For the chronic pain I am sticking at 50mcg Fentanyl (Matrifen) patches. Least I can think on them more than a higher dose which works better but I can’t concentrate. I am still very tired but least I … Read more

New Problems!

New Problems!

Seems there is always something new going wrong for me. I have always had clicking jaw when I open my mouth wide but nothing bad. Since Wednesday it suddenly is much worse now and happens every time I chew or move my mouth. It pops more than a click and feels like it sometimes is … Read more

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