Nothing For Chronic Fatigue While Post Covid Fatigue Gets £10 Million

Nothing For Chronic Fatigue While Post Covid Fatigue Gets £10 Million

I was incredibly angry to read that the NHS in the UK will be spending £10 million funding “long covid” clinics in every area for those that have fatigue after having COVID and even more money for National Institute for Health Research research, plus also they get different advice to those of us with CFS. … Read more

Chronic Pain Is Not All The Same

Chronic Pain Is Not All The Same

One thing that a lot of people seem to not realise is that pain levels vary between people and severities in chronic pain. Just because you have chronic pain and so does the next person, that doesn’t mean your pain is the same as theirs! Pain levels vary dramatically.You can have chronic pain and it … Read more

What A Wish List Looks Like When You’re Chronically Ill

What A Wish List Looks Like When You're Chronically Ill

When you’re chronically ill, your wish list often looks much different to someone who is not chronically ill.Some items you may see on chronically ill peoples wish lists and not realise why they have it there, so this might help.Here are some examples from what a few chronically ill people including myself want or have … Read more

Supermarket Shopping When Disabled

Supermarket Shopping When Disabled

Being housebound, chronically ill and disabled means that you either have to get help getting groceries from the supermarket or have to get them delivered. During the COVID pandemic, I have been unable to get delivery slots. This is still an issue where I live to this day even though the lockdown has currently been … Read more

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