Autoimmune Conditions?

Autoimmune Conditions?

As you know I have severe chronic pain and chronic fatigue. I also have a septal perforation in my nose. I fought for over 3 years to get autoimmune tests after the nose perforation (after trying prior as well) and when I eventually got them it showed 4 positive autoimmune results. What I figured out … Read more

Autoimmune Struggles

Autoimmune Struggles

After getting four positive autoimmune tests and seeing as the rheumatologist isn’t any help and my doctor said to me that he doesn’t know about autoimmune issues, I am now stuck as he won’t refer me to an immunologist. I have had chronic pain and chronic fatigue for decades now, but they both got severely … Read more

Rheumatology Appointment Was Dreadful

Rheumatology Appointment Was Dreadful

Well my Rheumatology at the hospital was a waste of time and pretty dreadful! As you may know I have chronic pain and chronic fatigue, both of which got much worse in the last 3 years to the point I was bedbound without the strongest pain medication.It dramatically got worse very quickly. The fact they … Read more

Chronic Pain Is Not All The Same

Chronic Pain Is Not All The Same

One thing that a lot of people seem to not realise is that pain levels vary between people and severities in chronic pain. Just because you have chronic pain and so does the next person, that doesn’t mean your pain is the same as theirs! Pain levels vary dramatically.You can have chronic pain and it … Read more

Last Chance! Give Feedback To NICE Regarding Chronic Pain Guidelines

Last Chance! Give Feedback To NICE Regarding Chronic Pain Guidelines

This is your last chance to give your feedback using the comments form on the NICE website regarding the upcoming chronic pain guidelines that doctors will use for prescribing medication and treatment for chronic pain. You have until 5pm Monday 14th September 2020 to fill it in so do it now. These guidelines remove ALL … Read more

Urgent! Contact NICE Regarding Removal Of Painkillers For Chronic Pain

Urgent! Contact NICE Regarding Removal Of Painkillers For Chronic Pain

If you have read the draft NICE Chronic Pain guidelines or my article about them and are affected or against this upcoming policy regarding removal of painkillers for chronic pain, you need to take action now and send your comments to NICE before the policy goes live!Anyone can leave comments and you only have until … Read more

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